The School has adopted various working principles with the aim of protecting the welfare of its students and the integrity of its work. These include:
- All are welcome to sample what the School has to offer through the introductory courses, and to continue further with their studies if interested.
- The School encourages its students to deepen their understanding and to put what they have learned into practice for the benefit of all.
- Students are asked not to indulge in criticism of others, but to practise tolerance and respect towards fellow students.
- All tutors are also students of philosophy in the School and they offer their services freely receiving no remuneration for their services.
- The fact that someone is attending a course in the School, or has a position of trust within it, should never be used to secure financial gain nor used to gain favour or influence either inside or outside the School.
- Fees are kept to a practical minimum; they cover running costs only and do not cover capital expenditure, which is made possible by donations, loans and legacies.
- The School is a registered educational charity, regulated by the Charity Commission. Charity Numbers 313115 and SCO39950.